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I am a specialist in working with Women Crack-cocaine users I set up an independent service, Higher Insight, to provide counselling and support to Women Crack-cocaine users. Consequently I collided with the child abuse syndicate hidden within the British 'care' system via a client. As a result I was forced to make moral choices. And was squashed by the powers that be, via systematic oppression , because i chose to save the child. The child saved, my career ended, and threats to her Mother’s life resulting in us living together as a family. I then went on to witness/ learn of gang stalking and occult practices that were being used endlessly against the Mother and child. For 5 years we experienced this along with constant threats from social services, health workers and Education authorities to take the children away; on grounds created by the distortion of the truth we spoke; they seem to have support from all statutory bodies, from Police and Chief Executives for Boroughs right up to Tony Blair and beyond. Through a determined effort to understand why I went on to learn the child had undergone ‘Trauma based mind control programming’, commonly known now as MK Ultra.

I have written neumerous blogs, which some of which have also been transfered into a paperback book.
'Sex and Drugs and Rabbit holes'

Click on the link buttons at the right hand side to read the corresponding blog.











Louise Clarke Bsc (hons), founder of Higher Insight

About me

Part 1 : Louise Clarke : Women and Crack : Responding to need /what's hidden will be revealed

Part 2 : Louise Clarke : Women and Crack : Responding to need /what's hidden will be revealed

© 2016 by Louise Clarke

The Way ...out of the matrix and beyond
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